How quickly life can turn around

I need vacations, not like those..
I need real vacations...
I need being apart from the world to reconnect with myself,to think,to reflect, to do what I want and what I like..
I need to focus on myself and I need to refresh my ideas
I don't know why I can't answer like before,
All I know is that I'm saturated with certain things, certain people and certain comments

I'm tired.

martes, 13 de julio de 2010 en 9:42

2 Comments to "How quickly life can turn around"

Posted by Anónimo ( 13 de julio de 2010, 12:40 )

We all need vacations sometimes :)

Being away, escape from where we are, be alone to think what we want,need or are...

Sometimes things change as we change...

If you're tired, take a rest :D

I'm sure taht things will be better soon ;)

Be happy, don't worry! Muakkkkk

Yep, I will take a rest

I'm so happy :D ^^

Thanks ;)